Death begins in the intestines! All the dirt will leave the body! Clean intestine.

Constipation may be alleviated by a colon cleanse. A natural colon cleanse can be performed at home with a few over-the-counter products, water, and a diet.

Feeling content, healthy, and well is largely dependent on digestive health.

The colon, commonly known as the large intestine, is a vital organ in the digestive system. Digestive health is closely linked to colon health.

According to some, cleaning the colon is necessary for the best possible digestive health. Nevertheless, the evidence supporting the efficacy of cleanses is weak and sparse.

A colon cleanse: why do it?
Some parts of colon cleaning might be advantageous. However, other than when used in conjunction with a medical procedure like a colonoscopy or to treat constipation, there is no study data to support its use (Trusted Source).

In these cases, the research that is currently available (Trusted Source) focuses on colon hydrotherapy, which is a medical device procedure rather than a natural cleansing.

There are dubious claims regarding other colon cleanses, like the elimination of toxins and parasites.

How can I naturally clear my colon?
Colon cleansing can be done in a number ways. You have three options: receive an enema or colonic irrigation, or buy a colon-cleansing product.

If not, there are easy things you may do at home to improve or “cleanse” your colon organically.

The following natural colon cleanses are inexpensive to do and, when done properly, quite safe.

1. Drink plenty of water
An excellent strategy to control digestion is to stay hydrated and drink lots of water. It has also been demonstrated that lukewarm water is beneficial for digestion (Trusted Source).

Try consuming a lot of foods that are high in water content as well. This comprises produce such as lettuce, celery, tomatoes, and watermelons.

In actuality, a wide variety of foods might aid in colon cleansing naturally through diet.

2. Flushing with saltwater
A flush with salt water is another option. Those who are suffering from irregularity and constipation may want to consider this.

But remember that there isn’t much scientific proof to support the claims that a salt water flush for colon cleansing is effective:

An earlier (2010) study discovered that pre-colonoscopy bowel cleansing using yoga positions and regular intake of lukewarm saline solution worked better than specific cleansing solutions.
A different 2018 study discovered that colon cleansing with a sodium phosphate solution was effective. Having stated that, this study also assessed the saline cleanse in relation to colonoscopy preparation.
Moreover, anecdotal reports of people who think saltwater flushes helped them can be found online.

It is best to see your doctor in advance if you want to try a saltwater cleanse for yourself. Here are some pointers for doing this if you’re ready to give it a go.

Combine two tablespoons of salt with lukewarm water before breakfast. Himalayan or sea salt are frequently used.

If you fast drink water when you’re empty-handed, you can get the urge to go the restroom in a few minutes.

Try this in the morning and evening, and following the cleanse, be sure to spend some time at home close to the restroom. You might have to use the restroom more than once.

3. A diet rich in fiber
One macronutrient that must be included in the diet is fiber. Whole, wholesome plant foods like fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and more contain it.

Plants have fibers and cellulose that “bulk” up extra stuff in the colon (Trusted Source). They serve as a prebiotic to increase beneficial bacteria and control hyperactive bowel movements and constipation.

Consume a lot of high-fiber foods as they support a healthy colon. They may also be very beneficial for gut flora.

4. Smoothies and juices
Popular colon cleanser is juice. These consist of master cleanses and fasts on fruit and vegetable juices.

However, not enough research has been done on these for the colon. Indeed, a few studies (Trusted Source) highlight the hazards.

Nevertheless, juicing and drinking juice in moderation can be beneficial to you. Blends of juices have certain minerals and fiber that help with digestion. Additionally, they retain water to stay hydrated and maintain regularity.

Fruit consumption can also enhance the gut flora and the passage of food through the intestines. Additionally, it can lessen constipation.

5. Quick juice
Vegetable, lemon, and apple juices are common juices consumed during juice fasts and cleanses. Smoothies, as opposed to juices, might be better for the colon and general health.

Juices have less fiber because pulp and skins are removed throughout the process. Smoothies are a fantastic source of fiber, which is great for the colon.

A 2017 investigationA three-day fruit or vegetable diet was linked to weight loss, according to Trusted Source, but additional research is required to corroborate these findings.

To reap the benefits, you don’t have to fast and limit your intake to smoothies and juices. Simply try adding more to your diet—for example, by having a smoothie or juice every day.

6. Starches with greater resistance
Fiber and resistant starches are comparable. Plant foods like potatoes, rice, beans, green bananas, and cereals also contain them.

They enhance gut microbiota, which supports a healthy colon (Trusted Source).

But there is a drawback. In carbs, resistant starches are present. However, if you’re on a low-carb diet, you can pick foods that won’t boost your blood sugar as much. Lentils, green bananas, and whole wheat are a few examples.

Like fiber, including them in the diet can be quite beneficial for colon cleansing.

7. Supplemental Nutrition
Another technique to clean out your colon is to include probiotics in your diet. In numerous additional ways, this improves the general health of Trusted Source.

Supplementing with probiotics might increase your intake of probiotics. Consume a lot of foods high in probiotics, such as fermented foods, kimchi, yogurt, and pickles.

Probiotics use resistant starches and fiber to assist bring beneficial bacteria into the stomach. These reduce inflammation and encourage regularity, two colon-related aspects of digestive health.

Colon cleansing regimens often use apple cider vinegar, which is regarded as a probiotic. Apple cider vinegar’s enzymes and acids are thought to inhibit harmful germs. There aren’t many studies on animals based on this at the moment (Trusted Source).

8. Teas made with herbs
Herbal teas could be useful.Digestive health through the colon: a reliable source.

Herbs that act as laxatives, such as slippery elm, marshmallow root, psyllium, and aloe vera, can aid with constipation. Before utilizing these herbs, make sure to consult your physician and strictly adhere to their instructions. And only use them in moderation as they can be dangerous otherwise.

Other herbs with antimicrobial compounds include cayenne pepper, ginger, and garlic. It is believed that these reduce harmful bacteria. They are therefore a common ingredient in cleanses, however more research is required.

Before undergoing a natural colon cleanse, what should you know?
Which of the aforementioned natural colon cleanses appeals to you? It is generally safe to do one at home gently.

There may be dangers when using them in conjunction with fasting or when using them more frequently. Steer clear of salt water flushes if you have high blood pressure and need to limit your sodium consumption.

Side effects of a colon cleanse
The following are possible colon cleansing side effects or complications:

infection inflammation of the intestines or colon dehydration abnormalities in electrolytes
Consult your doctor and stop your cleanse right away if any of these symptoms appear. If the cleanse is carried out, these symptoms could result in intestinal problems and heart failure. Bowel perforation is one example of this, which can result in sepsis.

When done infrequently, an enema or colon cleansing presents little risk to a healthy person. However, overuse can cause intestinal damage or even chronic constipation very fast.

Prior to making significant dietary adjustments for the sake of your colon’s health, see your physician. This entails consuming a lot more fiber, smoothies, juices, and resistant starches.

Additionally, exercise caution if you plan to use herbal teas for a colon cleansing. specific medicines may be hindered or affected by specific botanicals. Herbs used as laxatives might be dangerous if overused. Overuse of laxatives can lead to persistent constipation by reducing the body’s ability to move stool.

Consult your physician prior to performing a natural colon cleanse at home if you have a chronic ailment. Not everyone should undergo a colon cleanse.